Cangames 2016
Katrina Ananova has lived the nightmare, and it is now. Without Tyrone’s strength, Galena’s intuition and Eric’s
nature knowledge she and all her companions would surely be dead. The Abyss of Fire, Earth, Water and Air
took all their combined skill to survive – and now, trapped in a bottomless cavern miles above the sub-oceanic
volcano’s glow, she cannot see a way to escape.
But with Umberto Diaz there is always hope. Jane, as ever, will be sure to stumble forward into the next peril. A
fourth monumental adventure in a land of ultimate danger—and less than half a reel of film left to capture the
grittiest and most heart-pounding moments of all time. Poised on the brink of disaster, or the verge of
unimaginable success, Umberto will see all their fates through to the end…
On the brink of Past and
Battling the past at
Cangames 2016