Kat Chronicles
the Kat Chronicles SERIES 2:
Architects of Future Past
...from an audio log, recorded by Katie (Kat)
Andersson Tuesday April 9, 2047:
“I know, everyone says these stream of
consciousness logs are a joke, right, I mean who
cares what a person is doing every second of every
day. Usually. ‘Cause if you’re just tuning in to this
one, I’m new to the whole thing - but trust me, you’re
going to want to stay tuned. Yeah, really. ‘Cause me
- I can travel in time.”
the Kat Chronicles - Serialized Audio SF Novel by Roderick D. Turner; all scripts written and embellished by Roderick D. Turner; all voice
characterizations by Roderick D. Turner, using MorphVOX Pro and a Samson GTrack microphone; all music composed by Roderick D. Turner,
incorporating audio loops and samples from Magix Music Maker and FL Studio. All composition performed in FL Studio; Incidental sounds and
effects taken from purchased libraries in FL Studio as well as Oregon Scientific's WAV DJ effects, and RomTech's WAV Sound Effects (21-5104-
10) version 1.0, 1998; all final audio mixing by Roderick D. Turner using Magix Music Maker; Video created using Magix Movie Edit Pro; Rat image
by Roderick D. Turner; Character images created with Bethesda Game Studios Fallout 4 character generator; a little attitude goes a long way.
This is a work of speculative fiction - any similarity between character or music group names used and those of real characters or groups is strictly coincidental.